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Social Media Marketing

Get ready to get your business discovered through your social media channels!
Business Amoeba for your Social Media Marketing
We optimize marketing campaigns for you in real-time and track results on multiple platforms

At Business Amoeba, we can assist you in conceptualizing your brand tone across your target audience. We raise brand awareness among your target audience by creating a distinct brand voice.

With the help of our creative experts, we can help you increase brand awareness. Our social media experts create viral campaigns for your brand, ensuring that targeted messages reach your customers.

Our experts use native advertising platforms to ensure your brand receives maximum exposure among audiences, resulting in higher conversions.

Social Media Platforms to Augment your Customer Reach
We help you connect your brand with the consumers with a strategy that covers researching the target audiences regarding their behavior and preferences and getting insights about them.

Facebook Marketing

We drive demand, create fans and grow your business raising your brand awareness and customer relationships on Facebook among those 1.56 billion daily active users.

Influencer Marketing

We help businesses to collaborate with individuals with massive following for a getting an increased brand exposure and promoting their products or services.

Instagram Marketing

We create captivating visuals, grow your followers and drive engagement among those 500 million daily Instagram stories to build your consistent brand.

LinkedIn Marketing

Being one of the top social networks, we offer marketing on the LinkedIn platform that boosts your brand awareness, helps in building your network, and raises your business revenue.

Twitter Marketing

When you have more funds to grow your social media marketing, an area that you can consider is social media advertising. Social media ads allow you to reach a wider audience

Performance Marketing

We offer brands with performance-based marketing where you pay only after your marketing objectives are met and the clicks, sales, or leads are achieved.

Pinterest Marketing

We will create incredible visuals to distribute the content for your followers for increasing engagement and user interactions, driving website traffic, and boosting sales online.

Snapchat Marketing

We help your brand reach a wider base of audience among the millions of snaps created and seen every day fostering user interactions with your brand.

Ready to get your business discovered on social media platforms?
Contact us today

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The social media services offered by Business Amoeba as a leading social media marketing agency increase the brand’s social media presence and drive engagement through different social media platforms.

The social media metrics help in measuring success based on your business goals and include impressions, engagement, social media mentions, referral traffic, and followers.

We use scheduling tools such as Facebook Business Manager, TweetDeck and HootSuite for Facebook, Twitter and Instagram respectively. Along with these, we use Google Docs to write and edit posts and Adobe Spark and Photoshop for creating images.

Our social media marketing strategy involves the creation of social media calendar to keep track of all the assets in one place and use social management tools such as Sprout Social, for automating future posts.

It is recommended to post at least twice a week, but Twitter and Pinterest need to be more frequent. At Business Amoeba, we post your blogs, events and relevant content as well as stories daily to create a sense of urgency.