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Business Amoeba for your Content Marketing needs
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Articles and Blog Posts

Curating material as a component of a business's content strategy that might impact the audience during their purchasing process.

Case Studies

Ideas for strategic business growth and increased marketing that can help your company succeed.

Content Strategy

Planning content that will be used in a variety of formats (podcasts, videos, and text) with the aim of attaining business objectives to draw in and keep your target audience interested.


For the ideal brand promotion and marketing that will be used by marketers to take action after reading it.


Reader-friendly and engaging long form content covering maximum of the information curated to read and consume on a digital device that supports your marketing goals.

Editing and Proofreading

Reviewing the content to ensure that it is more readable and free of grammar and punctuation errors.


Creating emails to send to a certain audience in order to improve a brand's relationship with customers, foster their loyalty, and attract new ones.

Guest Posts

Writing content with backlinks to your website and boosting branding efforts through the content's backlinks


Utilizing PowerPoint's capabilities to organize your content marketing initiatives and create engaging presentations.

Product Descriptions

In order to increase conversion rates, sales, and visibility on SEO channels, content that elaborates on a product's qualities and attributes is needed.

Product Reviews

Customer engagement opportunities, reviews that drive brand authenticity, and reviews that increase customer trust.

Quora Post Writing

It is more engaging to read a post that is educational and contributes to information sharing with the audience on a platform that is well-known internationally.

Resume Writing

Text, professional, visual, international, and CXO (or leadership) resume content is available. For optimum readability to achieve your career goal, we also provide cover letters and SOPs.

SEO Blogs

Content that raises the rating of your website in search results by utilising metadata and keywords that engage users and maximise SEO.

Social Media Content

Content that engages your audiences and spreads brand awareness that is posted on social media in the form of text, photo, graphic, or video.

Thought-Leadership Content

Delivering true, genuine material that makes advantage of the author's knowledge, understanding, and experience to impart wisdom that adds value and expands knowledge.


Used for sales and marketing of a specific good or service that will give helpful information for generating leads with a thorough investigation to teach the readers about comprehending a problem.

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Content Pieces

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Years of Experience

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Words Delivered

  • 01 Brief instructions A short summary of the content to be published which includes the headline, industry, vertical and distribution platform
  • 02 Target audience The age group that you wish to target as well as the designation of the target readers that you are aiming for
  • 03 Keywords to target The niche keywords that is most suitable and aligned with your brand that you wish to include in the content.
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