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At Business Amoeba, we Make awesome content for you that Marketizes your brand and multiplies your business manifolds.

What Can We Offer You?

At Business Amoeba, we work on mainly three spheres: Marketing, Advertising, and Design, and have the following set of services curated for you:

Content Marketing

Engaging and optimized content that ranks for you!

Digital Marketing

Marketing your brand and getting you discovered on Google locally, nationally, and internationally!

Graphic Design

Stunning visuals that amplify your brand image on different handles!

Social Media Marketing

Giving your brand an all-new image at the popular social media handles!

Website Development

Designing and developing a website for you in any technology that represents you in the market!

Video Marketing

Using videos to inform audiences about your products across various digital channels such as social media, YouTube, programmatic advertising, and more.

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Why Choose Us?

We have a dedicated team to offer end-to-end services for our customers looking to expand their business in the digital space.

In the Making

Marketing Your Brand

Multiplying your Business

Business Amoeba is your one-stop shop for
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    Content marketing is a long-term strategy that can offer you value, build loyalty, generate leads and drive sales.

    Inbound marketing is an approach to attracting customers by creating content to form connections while Outbound marketing is the advert that comes in between the videos.

    Pay-per-click is an internet advertising model where an advertiser pays money when ads are clicked through search engine advertising.

    As per the type of project or design requirement, the initial design concepts are seen from 48 hours to a few weeks after the design process is started.